Thursday, November 08, 2007


Born 4 Aug 1859 Missouri.
Died 22 Nov 1922 Yeager, Hughes Co. Oklahoma.

Richard had two brothers that fought in the Civil War. One fought for the Union side and one fought for the Confederates side. Little Grannie had possession of the gun that one of them used in the War. I think Owen has the gun now along with Jessie's Bible.

Richards father came from England with his brother. There are stories told of the two brothers going down the Mississippi River on a Raft. His last two children were born in Oklahoma, the rest were born in Arkansas Hazel thinks in the vicinity of Mena.

He belonged to a Club called the Anti-Horse Theif Assoiation.

Occupation: Farmer
Religion: Christian

Richard worked for the Railroad, he helped build railroads in Carson & Lamar Oklahoma.

Personal Belongings in a Box of Records that Owen Thompson has is A Tax certificate from 1895 State of Missouri county of Howell. This was a Personal Property Tax of 16 cents.

Richard Colman Allen had a brother that was a City Marshall in Springfield, Greene Co. Missouri or Great Plains Mo. This information was from Westlie Thompson 1443 N 4th St. Coolidge Ariz. & Owen Thompson of Oklahoma

I found his marriage certificate on the Internet at Randolph County, Arkansas on June 21, 2001. I have the Original Certificate. Richard was 29 years old and Sarah was 16. Residence: 3 miles west of Sasakwa, P. O. on Konowa Rd. I was searching the Internet when I came across a site by accident in Randolph County Arkansas, that had unclaimed marriage certificates. I had no ancestors that I knew of in that area but decided to browse through the names anyway and there it was my great great grandparents marriage certificate. I quickly pulled up my genealogy program to make sure that it was the correct family and sure enough it was. I only had the information on my great great father's birth and who he married with no date for the marriage. I quickly addressed the envelope with the request for the Marriage Certificate. It cost me a whole $ 2.00 and a stamp. I waited anxiously for a week for it to come to see what information I would be able to acquire form it. Not only did have in my possession the original marriage certificate but I was able to add their marriage date and my grandmothers age and where there where living at the time. You can't imagine how happy this made me.

Owen has box of receipts for tole taxes and records kept by Richard. I think Owen said something about John Allen mentioned in records. Possibly brother or father to Richard.

He married Sarah Elizabeth Watson 9 Dec 1888 Ranoke, Randolph County, Arkansas.

Richard died at the age of 64.

1900 Prairie, Washington, Arkansas
Allen Richard C 39 AR TN AR Aug. 1860 S. E. 26 AR KY AR feb. 1874 LeNora 5 MO July 1894 Jessie 4 MO Nov. 1895 Forest 10/12 AR Aug. 1899

1910 Hanna, Hughes, Oklahoma
Allen Richard 51 AR ?? AR Lizzie 39 KY AR KY LeRoy 16 MO Jessie 13 AR Mackey 12 AR Mattie 9 AR Hattie 7 AR

1920 Miller, Seminole, Oklahoma
Allen Richard C 60 AR ENG Ireland Sarah 54 AR VA VA Mack 20 AR Hattie 16 AR Sam 7 AR Howard Jessie 23 AR dau Alta 5 AR g. dau Augustin 3 AR g. dau

Buried Greenleaf Cemetery near Holdenville, Oklahoma.

He was my 2nd great grandfather on my Grandma Alta Howard Cates side.