Wednesday, November 07, 2007


John Morgan Cates born 16 January 1771
Caswell Co. North Carolina. He died 11 October 18525 in Jasper, Caroll County, Georgia. He was a Farmer and Blacksmith.
He was 1/4 Manahoac Indian.
John Morgan and Mary Hannah Cates moved to Jasper, Georgia before 1810.
The rest of the family moved on to Tennessee and John Morgan and Hannah Cates stayed in Cowpens, South Carolina where her Smith family lived. John was in the war of 1812-Georgia Militia, Wooten's Reg. His son, Charles Jefferson Cates b.1791 was also in that war 1812.
Cates John M. A Co. 49th Inf. Reg't. Private Private 32461

The Lot # 209 in Henry County Was won by John Morgan Cates, Husband of Hannah Smith Cates. This land became a part of Newton County when Newton was formed from Henry & other surrounding Counties. This same 209 Acres was deeded from John Morgan to Jerimiah Cates & even Later Joseph Cates got a Part of this 209 Acres from the estate of Joel Flanagan to whom Jerimiah hadsold the 209 acres. John Morgan obtained this 209 acres in the 1821 Land Lottery while residing in Walton County. Lot 209 was not a part of the 1827 land lottery.

Memoirs of Joseph Cates
John M. Cates was a farmer and blacksmith. He was a tall man standing over six foot, with the finest beard I ever saw. Papa was a fair man. He was well thought of by his friends. He stood for us when Mama was too strict. My Mama's name is Hannah. They married Nov. 1790 in Union County, South Carolina. Mama and Papa had eight children, four boys and four girls.

There are documents of John Morgan Cates where he sold a grist mill to a man and the stone broke after the man had it. The buyer sued John Morgan Cates for $ 700.00 and won the suit. Charles and father John Morgan Cates were sued for a debt they owed at a store where they had charged stuff. The owner of the store owed both of them some money and they counter sued him. Charles and father John Morgan Cates lost their case. John found a document where John Morgan Cates won a land lottery in 1821 for over 200 acres. Hannah won a lottery for land in 1829 .

John Morgan Cates was sued in 1820 along with a partner. They sold some stones for grist mills that broke after two years of use. It appears that John and partner made these stones for gristmills. The stones had a warranty, it doesn't say for how long. They charged $ 200.00 for the stones.

John Morgan Cates was my 4th great grandfater on my mother's side.
Charles was my 3rd great grandfather.