In June I had to have Skin Cancer removed. In this photo you can see what it looked like and how big it was. I have had the sore on left arm for about 2 years. I was woking out in my roses one day and got pricked by a thorn. It never healed and this is what eventually develped. At first it looked somewhat like a small raised wart. Eventually it started to get bigger and somewhat scally and then started turning bright pink and when it started to itch and tingle that's when I decided to go have it checked. On the close up view you can see there is a little flaking. The surgery was not so bad they gave me a pain killing injection into the cancer site, then they used a scapel to cut the skin cancer out. They used a michroscope to look at the cancer to see if they had gotton it all, but they had to go back again and remove some more skin. It was very painless except the injection for pain. Even the healling was very painless. I was very surprised and gratefull. On Oct 14th I have to go back and have another one taken off of my right arm. That one looks completly different, I would not have ever thought that it was cancer but I went back and had my family Dr. froze 18 other spots that I supected might be and she did 3 more Biopsies and 1 of them came back positive. I will check to see If I have a photo of that one as well. So you can see what it looks like. I know these are not the regular kind of photos I put on here but Maybe these will help someone else to know what to look for.